February. And as quick as a wink, we are in the second month of a new year. HOME is off and running, and we’ve got so much to share — cover to cover — in this Early Spring issue!
Each new year reveals the much-anticipated Color of the Year, and what an influencer the annual hue can be, “coloring” far beyond wall and home décor. Color and pattern with tile are unique and can be a one-of-a-kind focal point in the kitchen, the bath or with floor design. Read what’s trending as well as the latest unexpected layouts and compositions. Thinking about a mural in your home? Large scale murals add interest and drama to maximalist and eclectic interiors. Not feeling artsy? Wallpaper murals are readily available and a shortcut to achieve the look you’re after.
Outside, our daydreams wander through the garden. Now is the perfect time to plan for the summer garden. Design, prepare and plan now for the bounty sure to be enjoyed later. Move over hot tubs, cold plunge pools are the new wellness trend of 2024. Read about the health benefits a cold plunge pool can offer in the privacy of your own home. Brrrace yourself!
If cabin fever strikes or perhaps the winter doldrums have you blue, bundle up and head outside! Our region is fortunate to offer skiing, snowboarding, ice skating and many more cold weather sports sure to make the winter of 2024 full of fun. If DIY is your go-to for indoor fun, channel Cupid and follow step-by-step instructions resulting in a beautiful floral arrangement just in time for Valentine’s Day!
Although February is considered the coldest of the winter months, it is also the last full month of winter. By the first of February, we’ve already gained an additional 45 minutes of sunlight, a sure harbinger of spring. For now, let’s settle in with this issue of HOME and appreciate these last weeks of winter. Spring is right around the corner — just 48 “short” days from now, I promise!
Happy Valentine’s Day!
As always, thank you for reading,
Anne Marie Poore |