Ask the Professionals: What's Your Favorite Plant?

With spring in swing and summer on the horizon, it’s time to think about what you’re going to do to spruce up your outdoor space. We asked professionals from several local nurseries and landscaping companies to tell us about their favorite plants, since they have so much experience working with a variety of elements. Thanks to their expertise, we hope to inspire readers of Roanoke Valley HOME to try something new in the garden this season. Enjoy!

Becky Balzer, Townside Gardens

Mark Maslow, Southern Landscape Group
A favorite perennial of mine is Veronica penduncularis, the ‘Georgia Blue’ variety. This little beauty is an evergreen ground cover that is covered with tiny blue flowers in the spring. The delicate leaves may lead you to think it is a fussy plant, but once established, it is drought-and heat-tolerant. Deer leave it alone, and when it is finished flowering, it is a lush green carpet. In fall and winter the leaves turn a beautiful bronze color. It loves the sun and is perfect as a border plant, along a walkway, or in a rock garden. My Veronica ‘Georgia Blue’ at home is planted in a strip between my sidewalk and driveway. It started as a small plant in a quart container and is thriving at 4 inches tall and 3 feet wide. I do nothing to it and it rewards me every spring with a thick mat of cobalt blue flowers that last about 4 to 6 weeks. It’s really a great little plant.
Cynthia Holt, Southern States – Roanoke Co-Op
My favorite plant is the knockout rose. It is very dependable and easy to maintain. The best part is that it gives you color spring through the end of fall, blooming about four times a year.
Ronnie Mitchell, Ronnie Mitchell and Son Landscaping
If I had to pick one favorite plant, it would probably be ‘Green Velvet’ Boxwood. We use them primarily in foundation plantings because they maintain a manageable size (3 feet by 3 feet), are deer resistant, provide a nice deep-green color, have virtually no disease or insect issues, and I could count on one hand the amount I’ve ever had to replace of the thousands we’ve installed.
Jason Childress, Varsity Landscaping and Grounds

Ronnie Mitchell, Ronnie Mitchell and Son Landscaping

Jason Childress, Varsity Landscaping and Grounds