The Best Kitchens: Invite Us In!

What makes a kitchen fabulous? Like the meals prepared there, a great kitchen has a just-right balance of ingredients: functionality, beauty, comfort and style, to name a few. Maybe this recipe includes professional-grade appliances, cutting-edge technology, and storage galore. Maybe it means great picture windows, room for a crowd, or “I did it myself!” Whatever the mix, whatever the situation, a great kitchen is inevitably the place where homeowners gather, where delicious meals and lasting memories are made.
Though we’re not ones to fish for an invitation, Roanoke Valley HOME wants to see your fabulous kitchen. Whether it’s newly renovated, got-it-right-the-first-time, or something in between, we want to take a closer look and share it with our readers! We have already asked readers on our website,, to show us their kitchens, and we have been delighted by the response—so delighted, in fact, that we’ve decided to do it up big in a “Roanoke Valley’s Best Kitchens” feature in our Summer 2013 issue. We’d love to see even more submissions to really round out the mix of kitchens we know you savvy homeowners use and love every day.
Do you have a fabulous kitchen? Please send us a photo or two, and a brief description of why you love your kitchen to, and we will be in touch with you to learn more. But hurry—we need to hear from you by April 1 so that we can put together our best kitchen feature yet from our favorite sources—our readers! Please be a part of this inspiring collection of photos, ideas and information about the best of the best in the Roanoke Valley!